Neighborhood Stabilization Program
The comment period for the following Action Plan amendment ended on March 31, 2013. Washoe County received no comments related to this notice. The amended Action Plan will be implemented in May 2013.
Washoe County is updating its NSP3 Action plan to better reflect the County plan for NSP3 funding. As project planning and implementation has progressed, the County has determined that several changes are in order. These are primarily necessitated by the actual costs of construction based on bids and updated costs estimates and a thorough underwriting analysis of the primary rental project being developed by the County. As further outlined in the amendment summary document, the County is updating its provisions related to Ensuring Continued Affordability and the Definition of Affordable Rents. In both cases, the updates are intended to clarify prior provisions, eliminate minor internal inconsistencies, and provide for operational flexibility in the future.
Consistent with HUD requirements, Washoe County provided public notice of this amendment it its NSP Action Plan by publishing a Public Notice (English and Spanish) on Friday, March 15, 2013, in the Reno Gazette Journal, a publication of general circulation, and by a posting on this website. The public comment period ran for 15 days, expiring on March 31, 2013. Public Comments will be summarized and posted to the above noted website as they are received To submit your comments or for more information on these changes or on any other aspect of this grant, please contact:
Washoe County's Grant Coordinator, Washoe County Social Services at P: 775.785.5654 or email at E:
The Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) is a Federal Program that seeks to help local jurisdictions stop, reverse, and mitigate the negative consequences of foreclosures on neighborhoods. The third round of funding for NSP activities provided Washoe County with 1.7 million dollars for the purchase and rehabilitation of foreclosed homes in the neighborhood generally defined by I-80 on the south, McCarran on the north, and Sutro and El Rancho on the west and east. The specific program activities and uses for these funds are described in the Action Plan posted here.
Q1-January 1-March 31, 2014
Washoe County Department of Social Services
Phone: (775) 785-5654
Fax: (775) 785-5640